Patient Consent and Disclosure

Telemedicine Patient Consent and Disclosure
Effective Date: September 16, 2024

Welcome to USA Doctor Network’s telemedicine services. By using our virtual care platform, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

Telemedicine Services
Telemedicine allows healthcare providers to evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients remotely using telecommunications technology, such as video conferencing. During your telemedicine visit, your provider will not be able to perform a hands-on physical examination, but they will work with you to the best of their abilities to address your medical concerns.

Risks and Limitations
While telemedicine can be a convenient and effective way to receive healthcare, there are some risks and limitations to consider:

  • Technical difficulties or disruptions during the video/audio connection
  • Inability to perform certain tests or examinations that require in-person evaluation
  • Potential for misdiagnosis due to the lack of a physical examination
  • Limitations in the provider’s ability to fully assess your condition remotely

Privacy and Security
USA Doctor Network takes great care to protect the privacy and security of your personal and medical information in compliance with HIPAA regulations. All telemedicine consultations are conducted through our secure, HIPAA-compliant platform. However, there is still a small risk that the transmission of your information could be intercepted by unauthorized parties.

Patient Responsibilities
To ensure the best possible telemedicine experience, you agree to the following:

  • Provide accurate and complete information about your medical history and current condition
  • Follow the instructions and treatment plan provided by your healthcare provider
  • Arrange for in-person follow-up care or emergency services if recommended by your provider
  • Respect the privacy and confidentiality of other patients using the telemedicine platform

Right to Refuse or Discontinue
You have the right to refuse telemedicine services at any time or request an in-person appointment instead. You also have the right to discontinue a telemedicine consultation at any point.

Consent to Telemedicine Services
By using the USA Doctor Network telemedicine platform, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to the information provided in this Telemedicine Patient Consent and Disclosure. Your continued use of our services constitutes your consent to receive healthcare via telemedicine.