Telehealth Services Agreement

Telehealth Services Agreement
Effective Date: September 16, 2024

This Telehealth Services Agreement (“Agreement”) outlines the terms and conditions for using USA Doctor Network’s telemedicine platform.

Scope of Services
USA Doctor Network shall use its best efforts to provide the Patient with various telehealth services, including but not limited to virtual consultations, remote monitoring, and access to medical information and resources. The specific services available may vary based on the Patient’s location, insurance coverage, and the Provider’s clinical capabilities.

Fees and Billing
Patient agrees to pay the applicable fees for the telehealth services received, as outlined in the Provider’s fee schedule. All payments shall be made through the Provider’s secure payment processing system. Patient is responsible for verifying their insurance coverage and obtaining any necessary authorizations or referrals prior to receiving telehealth services.

Limitations and Exclusions
The telehealth services provided under this Agreement are not intended to replace in-person medical care. Provider may recommend that the Patient seek an in-person evaluation or follow-up care with a local healthcare provider, depending on the nature and severity of the Patient’s condition.

Prescription Refills and Follow-up Care
Provider may issue prescription refills or recommendations for follow-up care through the telehealth platform. However, the Patient is responsible for scheduling any necessary in-person appointments and obtaining any required laboratory tests or diagnostic imaging.

Termination and Modification
Provider reserves the right to suspend, terminate, or modify this Agreement at any time, with or without notice, for any reason, including if the Provider reasonably believes the Patient has violated the terms of this Agreement or is misusing the telehealth services.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Any disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.

Acceptance of Agreement
By accessing and using the USA Doctor Network telemedicine platform, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Telehealth Services Agreement.